Pregnancy & Birth Your Way
Want the best possible support for your birth?
We are so glad you are doing research and taking steps to create the best pregnancy and birth possible. The memory of your birth will be imprinted with you forever. We want you to look back and know you took amazing care of yourself and your baby and did all you could to support yourself through an awesome birth - whatever that looks like for you.
Our doulas have been attending births for more than 15 years and have varied personal experiences: an amazing home birth with a circle of support surrounding, an emergence cesarean for a high risk breech birth, and a high risk placental abruption. We are collectively certified in many body and mind techniques, but one of the most important aspect of choosing a doula (or anyone on your birth team) is how well you resonate. We invite you to a conversation to see how we click and what your desires are for your pregnancy and birth.
Some of the goals of doula support:
Feel confident about your own body & birth
Trust that you can give birth
Address and reduce your fears
Prepare your body and mind for a balanced birth
Advocate for you (and your partner) during your labor and birth
A place to ask questions (there are no silly questions)
We can meet by phone or video. We look forward to connecting with you!
Some benefits of having a Doula:
1. Reduced Cesarean Section Rates:
- Studies have indicated that individuals supported by doulas during childbirth experience a significant decrease in the likelihood of having a cesarean section. A review published in *The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews* found a 39% reduction in cesarean rates among individuals with doula support.
2. Shorter Labor Duration:
- Research suggests that the presence of a doula is associated with shorter labor durations. A study published in the *American Journal of Public Health* reported that individuals supported by doulas experienced, on average, a 25% reduction in the length of labor.
3. Decreased Need for Pain Medication:
- Doulas provide non-pharmacological pain relief techniques, contributing to a decreased reliance on pain medications during labor. Evidence suggests that doula-assisted individuals are less likely to use epidurals, with a potential reduction of up to 31%, as reported in a study published in *The Journal of Perinatal Education*.
4. Enhanced Breastfeeding Success:
- The support of a doula has been linked to higher rates of successful breastfeeding initiation. Research published in the *Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing* indicates that individuals who receive doula support are more likely to initiate breastfeeding and continue breastfeeding at six weeks postpartum.
5. Improved Maternal Satisfaction:
- Doulas play a crucial role in enhancing the overall birthing experience, leading to increased maternal satisfaction. A study published in *Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care* found that individuals who had doula support reported higher levels of satisfaction with their childbirth experience compared to those without doula support.
6. Lower Incidence of Postpartum Mood Disorders:
- The emotional support provided by doulas has been associated with a lower incidence of postpartum mood disorders. A meta-analysis published in the *Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings* revealed a significant reduction in symptoms of postpartum depression among individuals who received doula support during pregnancy and childbirth.
“If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.” – John Kennell, M.D.
Comprehensive Specialized Birth Doula Services $3000.00
You will receive professional, evidenced-based and personalized care during your pregnancy, birth and immediate postpartum period. My goal is to ensure you have a satisfying birth experience no matter what you choose.
Note: Doula services are eligible for reimbursement with some flexible spending accounts (FSA).
What you can expect if we work together:
Virtual Interview - schedule below (free of charge)
2 virtual/in-person prenatal meetings to discuss birth choices, comfort measures, etc
24/7 phone/text/email support from date of hire
On-call 24/7 for labor support (from 2 weeks before due date)
In-person labor support, and up to 2hrs immediate postpartum support following delivery
Guaranteed back up doula for in-person birth support
1 Virtual/in-person postpartum visit within the first two weeks of delivery
Additional Namaste Birth services are available at discounts for doula clients (bodywork, classes, counseling/coaching)